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Table 1 Search string OR statements by search domain

From: DataStory™: an interactive sequential art approach for data science and artificial intelligence learning experiences

Search domain

Search string OR statements

Computing Education (with data/data science education/computer education)

(data OR dataset OR “data set “OR datasets OR “data science” OR “data science education” or “computing education” or “comput* education”)

Computing Education (with comics/sequential art)

(comic OR comics OR “sequential art” OR “sequential art narrative” OR “sequential-art” OR “sequential-art narrative” OR cartoon or cartoons OR “comic strip” OR “comic strips”)

Learning Sciences (from learner perspective)

(learner OR learners OR student OR students OR “novice learner” OR “non-major” OR nonmajor)

Learning Sciences (from teaching perspective)

(teach OR teaching OR instruct OR instruction OR instructional OR educate OR education OR educational)

Dual Coding (overall theory)

(“dual code” OR “dual-code” “dual coding” OR “dual-coding” OR” dual code theory” OR dual-code theory” OR “dual coding theory” OR “dual-coding theory”)

Dual Coding—Verbal Channel (with storytelling)

(story OR stories OR storyline OR storyteller OR storytelling OR narration OR narrator OR narrative OR narratives)

Dual Coding—Verbal Channel (with case study)

(case OR “case-study” OR “case study” OR “case studies” OR “case-based” OR “case based”)

Dual Coding—Visual Channel (with comics/sequential art)

(comic OR comics OR “sequential art” OR “sequential art narrative” OR “sequential-art” OR “sequential-art narrative” OR cartoon or cartoons OR “comic strip” OR “comic strips”)

Dual Coding—Visual Channel (with storytelling)

(“visual learning” OR “visual learner” OR “visual learners” OR visual stimulation” OR “visual art” OR “visual arts” OR “visual narrative” OR “visual story” OR “visual story” OR “visual storytelling” OR “visual curriculum” OR “visual media”)