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Table 6 Practical guide and steps to measure immediate impact of Faculty Development Programme

From: Evaluation of immediate impact of Faculty Development Programme using a pretest–post-test study design format

Sequential steps to measure the immediate impact of Faculty Development Programme

1. Defining the learning outcome of a single titled training program

2. Identifying the faculty, who may benefit from Faculty Development Programme

3. Selecting facilitators with their expertise to satisfy audience gaps in knowledge

4. Calculating the exact time, efforts and cost required to deliver within the resources available

5. Identifying learning resources and teaching materials for outside class activity

6. Writing and administering a 15–25 items questionnaire to test the audiences’ prior knowledge as pretest and post interventional knowledge as post-test

7. Evaluating the pretest and post-test scores for immediate impact using statistical method to test the hypothesis developed in a pretest and post-test research design